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Domain Name Privacy Protection: Everything You Need To Know

Looking to learn what Domain Name Privacy Protection is and how it works? Then, we have written this article just for you. We explore everything one needs to know about Domain Name Privacy Protection: what it is, why you may need it, how it works, how much it protects your website, and how to get …

7 Best WordPress Security Plugins to Protect Your Site

In this article, we researched and list out the best WordPress security plugins to keep your website secure from cyber attacks in 2022. WordPress is one of the world’s largest content management systems. In fact, WordPress powers 39.5% of all websites in 2021 and 64.1% of sites that use a content management system (CMS). These websites range …

How Does VPS Hosting Work: Complete Explainer

. “How does VPS hosting work?” is a question that is asked very frequently. In this article, we provide the most comprehensive answer. To understand the importance and need for something, you must understand how it works. Many people who are not familiar with technical stuff may be confused about what VPS is and how …

SSL Certificates Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Answered!

In this article, we will be providing answers to all the frequently asked questions on SSL certificates and HTTPS. We have looked through our past records as well as data available on the internet to find the questions people asked the most about the SSL certificates and HTTPS. SSL and HTTPS is a concept that …

Email Hosting in Nigeria (Everything You Need To Know)

This article set out to help you understand what email hosting in Nigeria is, how it works, and how to get it. If you are considering getting your own email hosting and are unsure how the whole thing works, we have written this for you. We hope it will give you more understanding of email …