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How To Get Backup Software in Nigeria

Backup Software in Nigeria

Backup Software in Nigeria

In this article, we describe the process of getting Backup Software in Nigeria as well as where to get it and other relevant details.

As your company grows bigger and bigger, the amount of files you are storing on your hardware gets even larger. Losing all these important data is the last thing you’d want. That’s why it’s important that you back up everything on a cloud.

What is Back-up Software?

Backup software is an application that lets you back up your data to remote servers over the internet. The servers are owned by cloud companies who provide the backup service.

The service is offered at a fee that is based on the capacity of data, number of users, number of servers, transmission bandwidth and the number of times the data is accessed.

Types of cloud backup

  • Full backup

As the name suggests, every single file or folder contained in your device is backed up. It requires a lengthy time but has the advantage of minimal restoration time.

  • Incremental backup

With incremental backup, it’s only the initial backup that is full. From there, only changes made after the previous backup are stored. It takes minimal time when backing up but a whole lot more time when restoring.

  • Differential backup

Differential backup is a whole lot like incremental in the sense that, only the initial backup is full. The difference lies in the fact that with differential, every change made from the first backup will be backed up. That, therefore, means more space and backup time required compared to incremental.

  • Mirror backup

Here, an exact copy of the source data set is created in the backup. In case you delete a file in your device that had been previously backed up, it will also disappear in the cloud during the next backup.

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What the benefits of cloud backup?

Once you store a copy of your data on a remote server, it is easy to recover the files in case of hardware failure, theft or virus attacks. It’s also a cost-effective way of backing up, as you only pay for what you need.

What’s more, which cloud backup, you can access your data anytime, anywhere as long as you are connected to the internet.

Here are some of the companies offering backup software in Nigeria:

  • Truehost Cloud
  • Genious NG
  • Alphonet solutions
  • Garrantor
  • Go4Hosting
  • Dell Technologies
  • MTN

TrueHost Cloud is the best Cloud Servers in Nigeria

TrueHost Cloud is one of the most sought-after cloud servers in Nigeria. This is because it offers the cheapest packages in web hosting and domain name registration in Nigeria. TrueHost, however, is not only affordable, but it is also reliable and very easy to use.

TrueHost Cloud Nigeria focuses on providing web hosting, registering domains and cloud servers in Nigeria. It is very affordable and very reliable. On top of that, TrueHost is really concerned about the businesses it is working with.

Check out all TrueHost’s cloud backup packages.