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Step-by-Step Guide to Designing a Website on WordPress

Trying to design a WordPress website by yourself can seem like a difficult task. Especially if you haven’t attempted anything like that before. Even though WordPress is highly user-friendly, and, not that technically complicated, you can experience some obscurity when trying to fit things together by yourself on your website without adequate guidance. Hence, in …

How to Utilize WordPress Widgets to Enhance Your Website Design

In the journey of designing your WordPress site, perhaps your first, there are a few basic features you’ll want to become familiar with. For example, you’ll need to learn how to use default content types such as pages and posts. Very important also,  you will need to know how to use WordPress widgets to enhance …

How To Design a WordPress Site for Mobile Users in Nigeria

Did you know? The number of smartphone users in Nigeria forecast to grow to more than 140 million by 2025. And mobile shopping set to account for 75 percent of online shopping activities in Nigeria. As such, designing a WordPress site for mobile users is increasingly important.  This article will explain how you can create …

How Plugins Can Enhance Your WordPress Website

Creating a WordPress website in Nigeria is an exciting undertaking, but it can be daunting to create the perfect design.  Fortunately, plugins can help enhance your website and make it more visually appealing.  They provide added features to your WordPress website that you may not have been able to accomplish through just coding.  But which …

Namecheap WordPress Hosting: What You Should Know

When you hear about Namecheap what comes to mind? Today’s post, however, is about Namecheap WordPress hosting. To go live websites need to be hosted. Without hosting a website can’t be reached or accessed online. Hosting gives a website the necessary resources to establish. It’s the home of the website. Get to make your site …