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How To Migrate Your Blog From Blogger To Your Truehost Cpanel

Last updated on December 7th, 2020 at 10:38 pm

In this article, we explain the process of how to migrate your blog from Blogger to Truehost Cpanel offering. Truehost offers the best cPanel in Nigeria and moving your blog to the platform is a great step, here’s how to complete the migration.

cPanel is one of the most popular Linux-based control panels for web hosting accounts. It lets you conveniently manage all services in a single place. Currently, cPanel is the industry standard and most web developers are well acquainted with it.

Blogger is an American blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. The blogs are hosted by Google and generally accessed from a subdomain of blogspot.com.

How To Migrate Your Blog From Blogger To Your Truehost Cpanel

The instructions below will guide you through migrating your blog from Blogger to Truehost’s Cpanel without stress:

1.Register a domain name and obtain Cpanel hosting for it

2.Login to your Cpanel, under SOftaculous app installer and install WordPress

3.Login to your  blogger account to backup the content

4. Go to settings, select other option

5. Select Import & back up and click Back up content

6. Save a backup on your computer

7.Login to your WordPress dashboard

8. Under Tools select Import

9. Run the blogger installer option

10. Choose file button to import the XML file downloaded from Blogger

11.Click Upload file and import button to complete uploading

12. Once the upload is successful, select author and click submit

13. Go to settings and reset permalinks as below

14. Save changes

15. Return to blogger, themes and click revert to classic themes

16. Go to Edit Theme HTML, select displayed code and delete it

17. On WordPress, install plugin Blogger to WordPress Redirection

18. Click Start Configuration  on the heme to generate code

19. Copy code generated and paste it in your blogger under edit Theme Html

20. To redirect new WordPress, go to Appearance, editor, theme functions


23. Return to blogger to redirect RSS feeds

24. Click the button on the top-right corner to save changes.

TrueHost Cloud Nigeria (Recommended)

TrueHost Cloud is one of the most sought-after hosting services in Lagos. This is because it offers the cheapest packages in web hosting and cPanel hosting platforms in Nigeria. TrueHost Cloud, however, is not only affordable, but it is also reliable and very easy to use.

TrueHost Cloud Nigeria focuses on providing registering domains and web hosting in Nigeria. It is very affordable and very reliable. On top of that, TrueHost is really concerned about the businesses it is working with.

Check out TrueHost’s CPanel packages and prices to get started.

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