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How To Work Online in Nigeria

There are a lot of opportunities to work online in Nigeria and make money that didn’t exist before now. Most of our predecessors will argue that it is not possible to work online from home in a casual outfit.

But the digital age has changed a lot of things around us, the way we communicate, do business, catch fun, and socialize has transformed and still is.

In the same vein, the way we work has also changed, with a laptop, good working space, and data connection, it is possible to be making money online working from home in Nigeria.

The evidence in the lives of many people making it online is proof that you can work online in Nigeria and earn a decent living, maybe even more than people with white-collar jobs .

There is something you need to know about working online; you need to have something you are offering, you must possess a skill or expertise that is adding value to people or businesses for you to make money legitimately online.

This article will show you the different ways to work online in Nigeria and how to work online in Nigeria.

This article will show you the different ways to work online in Nigeria and where to learn the skills to work online in Nigeria.

13 ways to work online in Nigeria

  1. Graphic design
  2. Freelancing
  3. Facebook Ad Specialist
  4. SEO specialist
  5. Voiceover
  6. Social media management
  7. Transcribing
  8. Web designing
  9. Information marketing
  10. General digital skills
  11. Blogging
  12. ecommerce
  13. Vlogging

1.Graphic design

Graphic design is using visuals like images to pass information across. Humans are wired to be at home more with images than text.

Since the human eyes can capture images that it sees for just 13 milliseconds (within a blink of an eye) it’s not surprising that the human species prefer images to text.

There is a high demand for graphic designers in Nigeria because people hosting occasions, programs, and events daily need graphic designers to design fliers and other visuals for them.

There are more than 15 tools that you can leverage to make great designs for your clients, take advantage of available free resources and premium courses to learn graphic design.

You will be able to work online in Nigeria from home when you master your craft and become proficient in it.

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2. Freelancing

Freelancing is the act of selling your skills to clients who need your services, it could be on freelancing sites like Upwork and Fiverr or directly with a client without a middle man.

Freelancing has come to stay because individuals and organizations are open to outsourcing tasks to freelancers.

It is a win-win situation for both parties because freelancers have the freedom to work at their convenience from anywhere they choose as their workspace while organizations won’t have to spend money employing people who are “dead weight” since freelancers get paid based on work done.

Examples of skills you can sell are graphic design, content writing, copywriting, video editing, web design, etc.

You can work online in Nigeria from home for clients all around the world.

3.Facebook Ad Specialist

Nigeria has about 30 million active Facebook users and its Ad has the potential to reach 29 million users in Nigeria, this makes Facebook Ad very effective compared to other social networks in Nigeria.

You can learn how to set up Fb Ads for people, as long as you are doing a good job you will keep getting referrals that will enable you to work online in Nigeria.

4.SEO Specialist

Seo which means Search engine optimization is a powerful practice employed to bring organic traffic to a website.

Without good SEO practice, it will be difficult to get sustainable traffic on a website, this has made SEO is a must for businesses that want to thrive online.

There are free resources that can teach you basic SEO and institutions that teach SEO.

One good way to practice SEO is on your blog, starting and managing a blog gives you an avenue to master your skills.

There are opportunities for SEO specialists to earn in Nigeria since her eCommerce market is the 33rd largest in the world.


This skill is unfortunately not for everyone, it is for people that have been gifted with a “sweet” and appealing voice.

Voice over is the process where a person speaks in a video without the person being seen in the video.

It should not be confused with narration, narration is for entertainment purposes while voiceover could be for education or any other purpose.

Businesses need voice-over to pass the information on videos to their target audience.

6. Social media management

Social media has gone beyond just a means of socializing, it is now a place where business transactions and other engagements take place.

Businesses that create social media pages need experts to manage the pages so they will have meaningful engagement with their target audience, educate them on their offers and upcoming events.

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You can learn basic digital marketing to start a career as a social media manager in Nigeria.

7. Transcribing

Transcribing is the conversion of video recording to text. The pandemic was what led to the increase in demand for transcribers because of virtual meetings, lectures, and webinars held by organizations to enable their workers to work remotely. 

The opportunity to work online in Nigeria and make money as a transcriber is an opportunity for many people without technical skills.

There are tools you can make use of to make your work effective and easy, courses that will put you through all that you need to become a professional transcriber. 

8. Web design 

Web design has been made easy with WordPress, you can learn WordPress web design within two to three and start earning money. 

WordPress has themes, templates, and plugins for your usage. Themes have drag and drop templates you can edit to suit your desire and they also have plugins to add functionality to your website. 

More than 40% of websites in the world are powered by WordPress, big brands like Reuters, BBC America, and Vogue use WordPress. 

Web design is a good way to make money online in Nigeria, since many SMEs in Nigeria is trying to create an online presence, opportunities will continue to present themselves for web designers to make money. 

9. Information marketing 

Do you know that there are a lot of things you can do with ease that other people can’t and are willing to pay you to teach them to do it?

The information market is growing really fast, the coronavirus pandemic changed a lot of things, people started utilizing WhatsApp to make money by teaching others what they know.

Whatever useful skill you have can be sold if you learn the art of selling. Examples of information you can sell are graphic design, content writing, video editing how to cook, how to do makeup, and a lot of other skills.

10. General digital skills 

There are people that sell general digital skills like the opening of PayPal account, the opening of Upwork account, the creation of PDF, the creation of eBook, and a lot of others.

People are willing to pay for what they cannot do for themselves, you’ll be surprised at the little things people cannot do themselves. You can use the opportunity to make money online by doing it for them for a fee. 

11. Blogging 

Blogging is one of the best ways to work online in Nigeria, the opportunities that exist for bloggers to make money online are numerous.

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For example, if you start a blog today, you can become an influencer in that field within a short period of time,  people can start perceiving you as an expert in a field and when that happens you will become successful because there will be a lot of opportunities for you.

Blogging requires that you design a blog, learn basic SEO, learn how to write, and finally learn how to promote your blog.

It may take time to start earning from your blog because it is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with commitment and consistency, it can become a major source of income for you.

12. ecommerce

eCommerce is buying and selling of goods and services on the internet. With the coming of e-commerce, you can sell your goods and services without necessarily having a brick-and-mortar shop.

Most physical shops are taking their businesses online to sell to more customers.

You can start selling goods and services on big eCommerce websites like Jumia, Konga, or Jiji or start your own eCommerce site.

Working online in Nigeria is made easy by eCommerce, you will be able to reach out to many people in Nigeria and beyond, your business will run 24/7 and you want to worry about shop maintenance.

13. Vlogging

Vlogging is the same thing as blogging but in this case, it’s video content that is being created frequently. Video logging is combined to form vlogging.

People that create videos on Youtube are called vloggers but specifically YouTubers.

For you to be able to make quality videos you will need a good camera, lighting and other equipment to be successful.

Where to learn skills to work online in Nigeria

There are a lot of options available when it comes to learning skills to work online in Nigeria but generally its in two ways.

  1. Free resources on the internet
  2. Courses

1. Free resources on the internet

The internet has a lot of free resources that can be taking advantage of to learn a lot of skills, Youtube and many websites can show you how to learn different skills for free.

Your only limitation will be your lack of desire to learn, if you can give your time to learning you will soar.

2. Courses

For you to really learn in a well-organized manner from professionals that have gone ahead, you will have to pay for courses.

Simplilearn, Coursera, Udemy, and recently in Nigeria we have Expertnaire and Learnoflix. These are websites where you can learn skills fast and start implementing them to make money online in Nigeria.


To work online in Nigeria you will need to have something to offer, either a skill or a service. You won’t expect anyone to just give you money online for doing nothing.

It is not a get rich quick scheme, anything that is of value takes time to build, therefore, be patient to learn before you think of earning.

Do you know of other ways to work online in Nigeria? Share it in the comment section.

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