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200+ Best Products To Sell Online In Nigeria And Make Money

products to sell online in Nigeria

Last updated on September 27th, 2023 at 05:00 am

Selling online is gradually becoming a norm which makes finding the right products to sell online in Nigeria very important.

It is now therefore important to sell products that have a ready-to-buy market because if you are looking for products to sell online in Nigeria that does not have a market, you don’t need a prophet to tell you that it is bound to fail.

It may seem like common sense, but this is what many people are doing; selling what no one needs.

After performing your market research and discovering that there is a market for your products, the next thing to do is to take the products to where the market is.

Selling sweaters and heavy clothes to people in the far North, e.g Katsina, Nigeria, is a waste of time because the weather is hot and harsh, they don’t need it.

What they need are light clothes that won’t absorb heat.

In the same vein, you will have to identify your market and then take your products to where they are.

Going back to our previous analogy, someone selling sweaters should take his/her products to cold weather regions in Nigeria like Rivers and Plateau states.

This post will cover why you need to sell your products online and the right products you can sell online in Nigeria that will generate money for you.

Why do you need to sell your products online in Nigeria

The benefits of selling products online in Nigeria far outweigh maintaining the traditional offline selling alone because many people are found online in Nigeria these days.

If you choose not to emerge with the current trend you will risk losing millions of potential customers.

According to Statistica, the number of internet users in Nigeria is estimated to be 108.75 million in 2021 and estimated to reach 143 million by 2026.

You can choose to sell your products online alone or sell both in a brick and mortar store and online, the choice is yours, but make sure you are selling online in Nigeria.

Some of the benefits of selling your products online in Nigeria are listed below.

  1. You are not limited to a location
  2. The products are available 24/7
  3. You don’t have to rent a shop
  4. You sell without having to be physically present
  5. You have access to many potential customers
  6. It saves you the cost of employing much staff

210 high demand products to sell online in Nigeria

We have established the fact that if you want your business to grow and reach its full potential, then not selling online should not be an option for you; you have to sell your products online in Nigeria 

We will now go deep to explain the products you can sell online in Nigerians and even beyond.

Note that the products discussed in this post are products that have a ready-to-buy market already.

You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel, find out what is working and emulate it with a touch of uniqueness.

The high demand products to sell in nigeria are placed under categories to make it easy for you, check the list below.

  1. Phone and tablets
  2. Phone/tablet accessories
  3. Home appliances
  4. Baby products
  5. Fashion
  6. Computers
  7. Computer accessories
  8. Automobile
  9. Automobile accessories
  10. Health
  11. Beauty
  12. Food
  13. Groceries
  14. Office electronics
  15. Furniture
  16. Sports/Fitness
  17. Information/education

Phones and Tablet

The human need for communication gave rise to phones, the mobile phone industry has emerged far beyond just a means of communication.

The fact that people can do more than a million things with a phone has made owning a phone a necessity.

You can sell phones and tablets online to people of different ages, classes and sex.

Phone/Tablet Accessories

After buying phones/tablets, people still buy accessories to increase their functionalities or protect them.

Phone pouches and screen guards are used to protect the phones to maintain their beauty and increase their lifespan by protecting them.

Earphones, headphones, earpods, and Bluetooth devices amplify the phone’s sound.

Home appliances

People need certain tools/appliances to perform specific tasks at home.

Fridges and freezers to keep drinks cold and also to preserve food. Making it one of the high demand products to sell in Nigeria!

Other appliances like iron, kettles, fans, etc are used in making people comfortable at home.

Baby Products

A report by Unicef states at least 7 million babies are born in Nigeria yearly, wow! huge right? I know.

That is to tell you that there is always a demand for baby products in Nigeria because babies must wear clothes, they must eat, they have to play, on the other hand, parents must provide for their needs.


Probably with a few exceptions, everyone likes to look good.

I agree with the saying that “You are addressed the way you dress” because people dress exotically so that they will be perceived as rich.

Youths wear what is in vogue so they won’t be seen as “old-school”.

Start selling online with a target audience in mind, provide what they want, and watch the money come to you.

Fashion is categorized into male and female.


Possessing a computer is more of a necessity than a luxury in this age.

As more people embrace and engage in this digital world, the more they need to buy computers and their accessories.

The statistics by statistica show that Nigeria is still growing when it comes to the use of the internet; this means more selling opportunities for vendors.

Computer Accessories

Computers also have accessories that are used to improve their performance.

Sometimes, parts of the computer can develop faults while people are using them.

Thereby creating a market for computer accessories.


There will never be a time when cars, motorcycles, or tricycles won’t be needed in Nigeria because people will always move.

Many businesses are dependent on transportation, every human has needed to move from one place to another. The automobile industry is a huge one.

Automobile Accessories

Automobile accessories are used for maintenance and repairs.

Maintenance and repair of faulty parts of cars and other automobiles become a necessity for all car owners.


“Health is wealth,” they say, everyone needs health to work, move around and enjoy all the good things life has to offer.

People can go any length to make sure they gain their health back, they can pay anything to regain their health.


Beauty products bring the best out of people.

For example, wigs and makeup products amplify the beauty in ladies, making them more pleasant to the eyes.


Even if there is no money to buy anything, there will always be money for food.

The demand for food will continue to increase as the population of Nigeria increases.


Groceries are popularly called provisions in Nigeria.

In every neighborhood, you will find provision stores that cater to people’s daily needs.

People that want to buy groceries in bulk go online to order what they want. This makes them one of the high demand products to sell in Nigeria.

Office electronics

Offices need specific appliances to perform tasks effectively.

Tapping into this market can make a difference in your business

Homes and offices all need furniture.


Unicef states that about half of the Nigerian population are younger than 15 years, that’s to say that many will be interested in playing Video games.

It is common to find male folks more interested in Video games than the female gender.

They can walk long distances just to find a place to play video games, they also go to game centers to pay to play.


Nigerians are involved in many sports activities like basketball, football, table tennis, and badminton.

Fitness and sports work hand in hand, Athletes are fit people.

People that are fit tend to be engaged in one or two sports activities.

These two sets of people give rise to the demand for sports and fitness equipment


Information products are products that educate or entertain people about topics they are interested in.

The digital information world is fast growing in Nigeria.

People now pay for courses online and buy eBooks without much skepticism.

The above are some of the products you can sell online in Nigeria that can generate money for you because they already have a market with a demand for them.

Below is the complete list that is summarising all the products you can sell online in Nigeria.

The products above are not all the products you can sell online in Nigeria, there are lots of other products.

But these are enough to help you select products to sell online in Nigeria.

To start selling your products online in Nigeria you will need to start selling on an eCommerce marketplace or your website.

Read our post on how to set up an eCommerce website to start 

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