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12 Websites To Make Money In Nigeria

In this blog post, we will reveal the top 12 websites to make money in Nigeria. In fact, these sites are the ones you can access anytime you want wherever you want.

Which means you can be smiling at the bank any time of the day. Also, you can take on these websites either as a full-time gig or part-time, whichever works for you.

1). Upwork.com

Upwork is one of the top websites to make money in Nigeria.

Upwork is a website where you can get paid to do work. 

The best part about Upwork is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another. 

You just have to be patient, persistent, and trust the system of working with people from all over the world while doing what you love most: creating things! 

That’s right – on Upwork, clients look for freelancers like us in order to create an array of different projects such as logos & branding design, websites development, banner ads/flyers creation, etc.. 

If interested then go here:- up​w​o​r​k.com  

2). Fiverr.com

Fiverr is a website where people from around the world come to sell their services for $$$. 

The best part about Fiverr is that you can start offering your service and making money just like everyone else in less than 20 minutes! 

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Fiverr is one of the most trusted websites to make money in Nigeria.

If interested then go here:-  f​i​v​e​r​r.com

3). TaskRabbit.com

TaskRabbit is a website where you can get paid to do odd jobs and errands for people. 

The best part about TaskRabbit is that there are tasks waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another. 

You just have to be patient, persistent, and trust the system of working with people from all over the world while doing what you love most: creating things! 

If interested then go here:-  t​a​s​k​r​a​b​b​i​t.c​om

4). Etsy.com

Etsy is another one of the best websites to make money in Nigeria.

It actually, is an online marketplace where you can buy and sell hand-made products. 

The best part about Etsy is that it’s not like all the other giant e-commerce websites out there (such as Amazon or eBay) because they actually support small businesses, artists, crafters, etc. 

If interested then go here:-  e​s​t​y​.com

5). CardSell.com

CardSell is a website where you can get paid to sell your own greeting cards. 

The best part about CardSell is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another. 

You just have to be patient, persistent, and trust the system of working with people from all over the world while doing what you love most: creating things! 

If interested then go here:-  c​a​r​d​s​e​l​l.com  

6). ThredUp.com

ThredUp is a website where you can get paid to sell your own clothes. 

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The best part about ThredUp is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another. Y

ou just have to be patient, persistent, and trust the system of working with people from all over the world while doing what you love most: creating things! 

If interested then go here:-  t​h​r​e​d​u​p.c​om               

7). Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is a website where you can get paid to publish eBooks. 

The best part about Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another.

If interested then go here:-   https://kdp.amazon.com/

8).  Fotolia

Fotolia is a website where you can get paid to sell your own photos. 

The best part about Fotolia is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another.

If interested then go here:-  f​o​t​o​l​i​a.com               

9). Swagbucks.com

Swagbucks is a website where you can get paid to search the web, take surveys, watch videos etc.. 

The best part about Swagbucks is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another. 

If interested then go here:-  s​w​a​g​b​u​c​k​s.com                   

10). Skillshare.com

Skillshare is a website where you can get paid to teach online classes. 

The best part about Skillshare is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another. 

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You just have to be patient, persistent, and trust the system of working with people from all over the world while doing what you love most: creating things! 

If interested then go here:-  s​k​i​l​l​s​h​a​re.com                   

11). YouTube

YouTube is a website where you can get paid to upload videos, create channels, etc. 

The best part about YouTube is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another. 

Again, you just have to be patient, persistent and do your level best and everything should fall into place

If interested then go here:-  YouTube.com                  

12). Craigslist

Craigslist is an online classifieds site that works by allowing users (sellers) to post free advertisements about various products/services they’re looking to buy or sell. 

The best part about Craigslist is that there are jobs waiting for anyone who wants to sign up and start earning money at one point or another. 

If interested then go here:-  https://www.craigslist.org/.

There you have it, some of the best websites to make money in Nigeria. These sites require you to have some sort of skills.

For example;

To make money on Upwork in Nigeria, you need a skill like writing. All you have to do is sign up with them and once accepted, you can start bidding for projects.

And when clients accept you, deliver your stellar work, and boom! You make money!                  

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